CorPower Ocean C4 Power Take-Off transported across Europe to Portuguese test site.

CorPower Ocean has successfully transported the PTO (Power Take-Off) for its novel C4 Wave Energy Converter (WEC) from Sweden to Portugal, ahead of final integration and ocean deployment.

The PTO component – which contains electro-mechanical equipment helping convert wave motion into electricity – recently arrived at CorPower Ocean’s development and integration facility in Viana do Castelo.

It follows a rigorous 12-month dry test programme at the company headquarters in Sweden.

The PTO component – which contains electro-mechanical equipment helping convert wave motion into electricity – recently arrived at CorPower Ocean’s development and integration facility in Viana do Castelo.

It follows a rigorous 12-month dry test programme at the company headquarters in Sweden.

The PTO will now be integrated with the C4 composite hull, which was built locally in Portugal, in preparation for ocean deployment at the Agucadoura test site, 30km south of Viana do Castelo. 

CorPower Ocean Supply Chain & Quality Manager Tord Jonsson said the process follows a broader vision to scale up wave energy globally, by combining central manufacturing with high levels of local content.

“Our C4 drive trains (PTOs) have been specially designed within standard dimensions for trailers, trains and vessels, for ease of transportation via road, rail or sea,” said Mr Jonsson. “This will ensure efficient supply from central manufacturing locations to wave energy sites around the world. Due to a modular design approach, the majority of components which make up and support our wave energy systems can also be manufactured and sourced locally. This includes anchors, mooring systems, tidal regulation units, electrical collection systems and balance-of-plant components. In addition, our composite hull development programme, which has been trialled in Portugal, has also successfully demonstrated how future versions of manufacturing cells can be easily be integrated in local ports or final assembly facilities, amounting to ‘mobile factories’. This all forms part of CorPower Ocean’s broader vision to pair the global roll out of wave energy with sustainable growth and prosperity for coastal communities, boosting local job and wealth creation.”

CorPower Ocean Engineering Manager Jonathan Meason said the year-long PTO testing programme, prior to arrival in Portugal, provided necessary time to debug, stabilize and fine-tune the device.

“The on-land testing took place on a purpose-built wave energy test rig in Sweden, which is the largest of its kind in the world,” said Mr Meason. “The PTO was heavily instrumented using 500 sensors which generated more than one terrabyte of data. Throughout the process, the PTO was placed under significant duress in order to prove durability and resistance to loads, vibrations and thermal stress. As a result, its function and performance has been well characterized, with data confirming conversion efficiency on target, with power export up to 700kW. This entire process has ultimately provided us with strong confidence in the PTO technology as we now prepare for final system integration and ocean deployment.”


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